Alternatively, on the command line, enter ifcexport.
In the Export to IFC dialog box, specify the following properties:
For Project Number, enter a project number for the drawing.
For Project Name, modify the name if necessary. By default, the Project Name is the name of the drawing being exported.
Click Browse to change the default location of where the IFC file is exported and click Save.
Note: If you want to export to a zip file, select IFCZIP file (*.ifczip) from the Files of Type drop-down list.
Under Drawing Files, select the drawing files to be exported.
Xrefs contained in the drawing being exported are listed in the tree view below the drawing name. If they were unloaded in the drawing, they are shaded in the Export to IFC dialog box.
If you select an xref at the top level, all xrefs nested within this drawing are selected as well. Expand the top level, and select xrefs individually if necessary.
If you want to change the labels for the xrefs, click the label in the IFC Structure column, and select a different level from the drop-down list, or enter text in the field.
If you want xrefs to display as a distinct level within the IFC file, specify different identifying labels under IFC Structure. You can specify the same identifier, such as Level (1), for multiple xrefs to combine the objects within those xrefs into one IfcBuildingStorey.
Note: If the drawings were assigned to levels as part of an AutoCAD Architecture project, a corresponding label is displayed by default under IFC Structure. Otherwise, they are mapped to Level 1 by default.
Enter a description of the file for export.
You can select multiple drawing files and change all labels or descriptions at the same time.