Ensure that the assemblies that you intend to save to the new assembly set exist in the current drawing.
You can perform this procedure using the Create Intersection wizard, or by editing an existing intersection object.
Do one of the following:
Using the Create Intersection Wizard: You can create an assembly set during intersection creation, using the Corridor Regions page of the Create Intersection wizard. To do so, start the CreateIntersection command, select the new assemblies in the Assemblies To Apply section of the Corridor Regions page, and then proceed to Step 3 below. If desired, you can click Cancel on the Create Intersection wizard after you have saved the new assembly set. This allows you to create a new assembly set without creating a new intersection object.
Edit an Existing Intersection: Select an existing intersection, and then click Intersection tab Modify panelRecreate Corridor RegionsFind. On the Intersection Corridor Regions dialog box, select the assemblies in the Assemblies To Apply section of this dialog box.
After selecting the desired assemblies, click Save As a Set.
In the Select Assembly Set File dialog box, enter a name for the new assembly set file, and then click Save.
Note: At this point, the new assembly set file is created. You may or may not want to proceed with applying the new assembly set to the current intersection. If you do want to apply the new assembly set to the current intersection, follow the next step.
To apply the assembly set to the intersection, do one of the following:
If you selected the assemblies from the Corridor Regions page of the Create Intersection wizard, click the Browse button, select the newly created assembly set file, and then click Create Intersection.
If you selected the assemblies from the Intersection Corridor Regions dialog box, click the Browse button, select the newly created assembly set file, and then click Recreate.