Filter Menu Settings

General Settings

Filter 1 button
Modifies the set of image operations in the first filter element that is applied in the final composite filter.
Filter 2 button
Modifies the set of image operations in the second filter element that is applied in the final composite filter.
Filter 3 button
Modifies the set of image operations in the third filter element that is applied in the final composite filter.
Filter 4 button
Modifies the set of image operations in the fourth filter element that is applied in the final composite filter.
Filter 5 button
Modifies the set of image operations in the fifth filter element that is applied in the final composite filter.
Use Filter button
Enable to apply the filter element to the final composite filter.
Effect field
Displays the level of filtering required. Editable.
Bypass Chroma button
Enable to ignore hue and saturation channels of an image.
Bypass Luminance button
Enable to ignore luminance channels of an image.
Filter Type box
Select whether to use matrix calculations or a predefined procedure to alter the image.

Matrix Settings

Gain field
Displays the light values of the image. Editable.
Automatic button
Enable to preserve the average luminance of the clip.
Balanced button
Enable to activate a compensating algorithm when a value is entered in the matrix, where the value is divided by the remaining fields, and then the result is subtracted from each value in the matrix.
Symmetry Type box
Select an arrangement used to change symmetrical elements.
Same button
Enable to change a symmetrical field to the same value as a field that is being edited.
Invert button
Enable to change a symmetrical field to the equal and opposite value as the field value that is being edited.
Copy button
Click to copy the current matrix setup.
Paste button
Click to paste a copied matrix setup.
Reset Matrix button
Reset all values in the matrix.
3x3 button
Enable to apply a matrix of three rows and three columns. The field in the centre represents the pixel that is currently being evaluated; the others represent surrounding pixels. The matrix displays the relative influence of each pixel surrounding the current one.
5x5 button
Enable to apply a matrix of five rows and five columns. The field in the centre represents the pixel that is currently being evaluated; the others represent surrounding pixels. The matrix displays the relative influence of each pixel surrounding the current one.
7x7 button
Enable to apply a matrix of seven rows and seven columns. The field in the centre represents the pixel that is currently being evaluated; the others represent surrounding pixels. The matrix displays the relative influence of each pixel surrounding the current one.
9x9 button
Enable to apply a matrix of seven rows and seven columns. The field in the centre represents the pixel that is currently being evaluated; the others represent surrounding pixels. The matrix displays the relative influence of each pixel surrounding the current one.
11x11 button
Enable to apply a matrix of eleven rows and eleven columns. The field in the centre represents the pixel that is currently being evaluated; the others represent surrounding pixels. The matrix displays the relative influence of each pixel surrounding the current one.

Procedural Settings

Invert button
Enable to invert the image.
Rect button
Enable to blur the image.
Width field
Displays the height of the blur. Editable.
Height field
Displays the width of the blur. Editable.
Sobel button
Enable to apply an edge-detection filter that uses the Sobel operator.
Sobel Direction box
Select the direction in which the filter is applied.
Prewitt button
Enable to apply an edge-detection filter that uses the Prewitt operator.
Prewitt Direction box
Select the direction in which the field is applied.