ACEScc is a working color space that is recommended for color grading when using the Academy Color Encoding System.
- In the Calibration settings of the Project Configuration settings, make sure that float_identity.fclut is selected as the Float Conversion LUT.
- Import your OpenEXR media. You must do this using the Wiretap Gateway.
Note: If you are accessing media that was imported to a Smoke or Flame system with the Cache Source Media option enabled, that media is no longer considered Gateway media. It is seen by Lustre as managed media and hence the LUT and Resize on import options are not available. To work around this, you can perform a Flush Cache Media operation in Smoke or Flame, prior to importing in Lustre.
- Assuming that the clips are in the ACES2065-1 colour space, open the Image / Transcode / LUT Options menu, make sure that Colour Transform is selected under Conversion LUT Type, and look for ACES2065-1_to_ACEScc in the Conversion LUT list.
If ACES2065-1_to_ACEScc is not already available, you'll need to add it. To do this:
- Click the Browse button (...).
- Click the Bookmark field and select the
Autodesk location.
- Import interchange/ACESproxy/ACES2065-1_to_ACEScc.ctf.
- For each clip, select ACES2065-1_to_ACEScc in the Conversion LUT list and click Enable.
- If you are using CDLs, make sure that Post Input LUT is selected on the Image / CDL menu.
- On the Render / Output menu, select a custom transform that converts back to the ACES2065-1 colour space and then applies the ACES reference rendering transform (RRT) and output device transform (ODT) for your deliverables, and click Enable.
If you have not already defined an appropriate custom transform, you can do so as follows:
- Make sure that Colour Transform is selected under Conversion LUT Type.
- Click Custom.
- Click Add.
- Click Type and select Autodesk/interchange.
- Click Transform and select ACESproxy/ACEScc_to_ACES2065-1.ctf.
- Click Add again.
- Click Type and select Autodesk/RRT+ODT.
- Click Transform and select the appropriate transform for your output deliverable, such as ACES_to_P3-D60_1.0.ctf.