Drawing Shapes

You can draw circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, and freeform shapes. You can set the colour of the shape before you draw it. After you draw the shape, you can change its colour and determine its offset and X and Y position. You can also change a shape by moving its control points.

To draw a shape, from the Shape box, select a shape for the selection. Use the Bezier option to draw a freeform shape. Click Add Shape. The way in which you draw your shape depends on the shape that you are drawing.

To move a shape: in the Paint Tools box, select Move (keyboard shortcut M). Click the axis of the shape you want to move, and drag the shape to a new position.

Click the canvas and drag until you reach your desired shape. Click again to complete the shape.
Use the Rectangle tool. Hold Shift and click to make the lower left anchor point of the square. Drag until you reach your desired shape. Click again to complete the square.
Click the canvas and drag until you reach your desired shape. Click again to complete the shape.
Use the Ellipse tool. Hold Shift and click to determine the centre of the circle. Drag until you reach your desired shape. Click again to complete the circle.
Click the canvas to make your first point. Drag and click the canvas a second time to complete the first side of the triangle. Drag and click once more to make the final corner of the triangle.
Click to make your starting point. Drag and click to draw subsequent points. Double-click the last point to complete the shape.