Point Locators Menu Settings
Point Locators Display box
Select how the point locators are displayed in the image.
You can choose between spheres, boxes, and crosses.
Point Locators Colour pot
Displays the colour of the point locators. Editable.
Point Size field
Displays the size of the point locators. Editable.
Transparency field
Displays the transparency level of the point locators. Editable.
Delete Selected button
Click to delete selected points.
Snap To Point button
Enable to snap an object automatically to a point in the point locators object. Use Shift and drag the object towards the point locator.
Snap Tolerance field
Displays the minimum distance between the object and the point locator for snapping to occur. Editable.
Transform box
Select how an attached object behaves based on the movement of the point locators.
No Transform
Apply no transformation on the attached object.
Plane Transform
Align an object based on the average plane of the maximum number of points.
Centroid Transform
Align an object to the centre of the point locators.
Parent topic:
Using the Point Locators Object