Here are some general guidelines for tweaking the stereo attributes of the 3D camera:
- Many parameters are relative to each other, and can be scaled and changed upon import using the Auto Fit in Scene or FBX Unit to Pixels settings.
- Tweak the Interaxial Separation to move the cameras closer to or farther away from one another.
Note: You should re-adjust your Interaxial Separation if you change your output device, since the settings for one display method may differ from another.
- Increase the Zero Parallax to move objects further away from the camera. The 3D effect becomes less pronounced in this case. Decrease your Zero Parallax to move objects closer to the camera. You can see more depth if you do this.
The stereoscopic effect is the most realistic when the Zero Parallax Plane is in between the two objects.
- You may need to re-adjust your camera attributes if you change the resolution of your output device.
- You can also increase the Far Clip Plane to increase the depth of the camera.
- In Anaglyph viewing mode, the red/cyan colors for objects are swapped depending on whether they are behind or in front of the parallax plane. For objects behind the zero parallax plane, they appear in cyan/red. For objects in front of the zero parallax plane, they appear in red/cyan.