- Position field
- Displays the relative position of the gradient control point in relation to the vertices. For example, if the control point is between the third and fourth vertices, its value is 3.5. Editable.
- Offset field
- Displays the distance from the gradient spline to the mask spline. Editable.
- Gradient Curve
- Displays the transparency distribution of the gradient. The y axis represents the percentage of transparency and the x axis represents the percentage of distance from the vertex to the spline. This curve can be animated. You can edit, add and delete points from the curve.
- Set Key button
- Sets the current values for the gradient curve in the current frame(when Autokey is disabled).
- Delete Key button
- Deletes the selected gradient curve keyframes.
- Reset Selection box
- Select whether to reset all of the gradient settings (Reset All) or just the gradient curve (Reset Key).
- Home button
- Resets the gradient curve viewer to show the whole curve.
- Undo button
- Undoes the gradient curve operations.