Due to software and hardware differences, the following Flame features are not available on Mac systems:
- GPU debayering
- Background Reactor
- Real-time deliverables
- Tangent Element control surface (although you can use the
Avid Artist Series Color and Transport panels with Flame on the Mac platform).
- VTR archiving
- Floating license server
There are also some differences to note when working with certain effects on a Mac system:
- Hardware anti-aliasing (HWAA) is limited to 8x.
- You can add one Image-based lighting (IBL) map per Action object.
- You are limited to 16 textures per Action object; therefore in large Action scenes, you may notice that some features are not available (shadow casting, for example).
Some preferences or settings are available only on Linux or Mac systems. These are noted where they occur within this User Guide.
Consult the online
System Requirements for up-to-date information on supported configurations and components.