Storage Preferences

Space Calculation

Space Calculation options
Choose to display all available frames in the message bar, all available and purgeable frames in the message bar, or to purge frames before making a space calculation.
Volume Statistics button
Lists the number of frames, proxies, and audio sources stored in the clip libraries, and main work area of each project.
Video Framestore Estimate button
Displays the estimated amount of space left on the video framestore.


Test Disks button
Displays the number of frames read per second; the number of seconds required to read a single frame; and the amount of data, in megabytes, read per second.

Local Gateway

Restart button
Restarts the local Wiretap Gateway service, which must be running for you to import and export media. Use this button when troubleshooting failing import or export processes.

Temporary Libraries

Clear All button
Click to delete temporary libraries from the current project. Do not use if background operations are running. Use the Background Tasks monitor to ensure all tasks are done before using.

Temporary libraries are used by background tasks, and are usually automatically deleted by Flame Premium. But it can happen that they are not deleted correctly, build up over time and tax your storage. Clearing these libraries recovers that lost space. This is a safe operation unless background operations are running: wait for them to complete before clearing the temporary libraries.