Substance Noise and Splatter

The Substance nodes are procedural noise pattern generators, allowing you to create highly-customizable, repeatable patterns such as cells or concentric shapes to use in your Batch or Batch FX process tree.

Substance Noise node:
Use this node to generate a noise pattern based on a chosen preset to use as an input for other nodes.
Substance Splatter node:
This node accepts front and matte inputs as the seed that you feed through a chosen preset pattern.

To access the Substance nodes:

  1. Drag the Substance Noise node or Substance Splatter node to the Batch or Batch FX schematic.

    The file browser appears, pointing to the default location of the presets:

    • usr/discreet/presets/<product home>/substance_presets/NOISE or
    • usr/discreet/presets/<product home>/substance_presets/SPLATTER
      Tip: Switch to Proxies view to see a visual representation of the presets.
  2. Select a preset.
    Note: The Splatter presets include normal and additive blend versions.

    The preset is automatically loaded into Batch or Batch FX.

  3. If you are working with a Substance Splatter node, attach front and matte input clips.
  4. Double-click the Substance node in the schematic to access the menu.

    Some of the settings in the menu are dependant on the preset you loaded.

  5. Change the menu settings, as needed. Enable Regen to update the image as fields are updated.
  6. Optional: Enable Force Tile to ensure that your resulting image tiling is repeatable. In this case, the Crop Output and Zoom options are greyed out.
Note: If your rendering network is set up with GPU-enabled Burn nodes, you can burn Substance clips. See your Autodesk Burn Installation and User Guide for installation and configuration information.

To change a Substance preset:

  1. Select the Substance Noise or Substance Splatter node in the schematic.
  2. Click Change Preset.

    The file browser appears, and you can select a different preset to load.

    Note: All menu parameters are reset when a new preset is loaded.