If the table of contents of an archive on tape is corrupted, Flame Premium may not be able to read it. If this happens, open the archive using the OTOC.
Once you open the archive, you can restore the entire contents of the archive and save it to a new tape. Do this, for example, if the tape has been damaged.
For VTR archives, you can also overwrite the corrupted table of contents by saving a single frame to the archive. If the table of contents is successfully overwritten, you can open the archive using the Open button.
To restore the archive:
If the table of contents is corrupted, the following message appears:
CLIP MGT: Warning! Cannot read archive header. Select online TOC?
The file browser appears.
After a moment, the archive appears.
The restored clips appear in the selected clip library.
VTR Only: To overwrite a corrupted table of contents:
If the table of contents is corrupted, the following message appears:
CLIP MGT: Warning! Cannot read archive header. Select online TOC?
The file browser appears.
A prompt asks if you wish to retrieve the slates (proxies).
After a moment, the archive appears.
If the archive still does not open using the table of contents on the tape, restore the entire archive.