MediaHub Reference: Browsing for Archives

Archives Options

With No Opened Archive

New Archive button
Creates a new archive in the location displayed in the file browser. Opens the New Archive Creation dialogue box.
View Content button
Displays basic information about the contents of the selected archive, in a web browser. This does not open the archive.
Open Archive button
Opens the selected archive or device.

With an Opened Archive

Close Archive button
Closes the archive and returns to the file browser.
Archive Project button
Adds the current project to the archive; this includes every Workspace of the project, libraries, Shared libraries, and the Desktop; also includes all the setups.
Clear Pending Tasks button
Clears the Pending Archive or Pending Restore folders. This does not delete material already archived or in the Media panel: it only clears out the queue.
Archive/Restore button
Commits the Pending folders, either to archive or restore material clips. Nothing is archived or restored until you click this button.

The folder Pending Restore displays all that will be restored. The folder Pending Archive displays all that will be archived. Only one operation is permitted at any given time: you either restore or archive, you cannot do both simultaneously.

Archive/Restore Setups button
Click to archive or restore all of the application's modules setups. You must be at the root of the archive to archive setups. You must select a Projects Setup folder to restore setups.

File-based Archive Options

Linked Archive Option box
Select how archive paths are treated when restoring an archive. Use Archived Path is best used when you are restoring the archive on the workstation used to create the archive. Select Convert to Local Path in other cases.
Archive Verification box
Verify Source Media checks the integrity of the source media before adding it to the archive. In case of missing source media, the archive proceeds without the clip. Verify Archived Data checks the integrity of the data as it is being written to the archive: archiving stops as soon as it detects an error.

Verify Source Media validates all the media, which can be time consuming.

The Archived column from the Details view of the Media Panel displays either the last time the clip was successfully archived, or why it failed to archive.

Cache Media on Archive button
Enable to archive all source media as cached source media. This means that all media is cached in the archive in an uncompressed format. Use the Archive Renders box to decide whether or not to archive Timeline FX renders. Disable to archive already cached source media, but to archive only links for source media that are not already cached. In this case, use Archive Renders to decide how to handle Timeline FX renders and already cached media.
Archive Renders box
With Cache Media on Archive enabled, select whether or not to archive the Timeline FX and BFX renders. With Cache Media on Archive disabled, select how to handle Timeline FX and BFX renders, and already cached source media.
Default Resolutions button
Legacy option. Opens the Default Resolutions List menu, used by the application to restore legacy archives from Smoke 6.0 and Flame 8.5 (or earlier).

These versions did not store resolutions and associated pixel aspect ratios, and the Default Resolutions table fills that gap.

Generate Proxies
Enable to automatically generate proxies for restored clips, using the Proxy parameters defined in the restored Project, or the settings of the current project when restoring individual clips.

VTR Device Options

Auto/Manual Start box
Select Auto Start to have the application rewind the tape and then go forward to try and discover the location of an archive. Select Manual to enter the start timecode and get to the archive faster.
Timecode field
Displays the start timecode. Editable.
Rewind On Close button
Rewinds the tape after when the archive is closed.
Open Mode box
Select whether to open in read only mode or in read/write mode.