Connecting the Autodesk Control Surface to a Lustre Workstation

The Autodesk Control Surface consists of three panels connected to the workstation’s on-board GigE port 1 by way of the supplied network switch. The central panel requires an additional connection to the remote unit of the USB extender kit.

This section provides information on making the physical connections needed to operate the Autodesk Control Surface. For information on using the Control Surface, see the Autodesk Control Surface User Guide.


The illustration shows the central panel only (the Colour Grading panel). This panel is easily identified, since it has both an Ethernet network port and a USB connector. It is also the panel with the built-in tablet.

To connect the Autodesk Control Surface:

  1. Connect each panel to a power supply using the AC power adapter cables.
  2. Use network cables to connect each panel to the available ports in the network switch.
  3. Connect the Colour Grading panel to the remote unit of the USB extender kit.
  4. Use a network cable to connect an available port on the Netgear network switch to the workstation, as illustrated.

Assigning an IP Address to the Autodesk Control Surface

You must assign an IP address and subnet mask to the Autodesk Control Surface.

Assign the network port connected to the control surface with a static IP address that does not interfere with any of the IP addresses on your network.

To configure the Autodesk Control Surface:

  1. Type:

    nedit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth <port#>

  2. Modify the IPADDR and NETMASK values. For example:

Configuring Lustre to Connect to the Autodesk Control Surface

To configure Lustre to use the Autodesk control surface:

  1. Turn the power on to each of the modules and look at the top display panel on the module. It should display the panel name and ID.
  2. After you install Lustre, open the init.config file located in /usr/autodesk/<lustre_version> with a text editor.
  3. In the ControlSurface section of the init.config file of your project, enter the panel IDs for each panel.
    AutodeskPanels state=”On”
    PanelIDs function=”<panel_ID>” grading=”<panel_ID>” navigation=”<panel_ID>”
  4. Start Lustre. The following message should appear in each Console:
    Panel #<panel_ID> is detected

    This confirms that the Autodesk Control Surface is enabled.