Working with Boxes

Whether you choose the manual or automatic method of identifying dust artefacts, you will probably need to adjust the position or size of some boxes, or delete them. Following are basic procedures for working with boxes.

(a) Vertex  (b) Border  

To create a box:

  1. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor diagonally on the image.
  2. Release the mouse button.

To select a box:

  1. Click inside the box.

    The box vertices turn yellow, indicating the box is active (selected). You can only select one box at a time.

To de-select a box:

  1. Right-click inside the box.

To move a box:

  1. Click inside the box and drag it.

To re-size a box:

  1. Click on a vertex and drag.

To delete one or more boxes:

  1. Do one of the following.
    To delete: Do this:
    The single active box Select the box and press Backspace or click the Active boxes button.
    All boxes on the current frame, whether active or not Click the Frame boxes button.
    All boxes on all frames in the current shot Click the Shot boxes button.

    (a) Active boxes button  (b) Frame boxes button  (c) Shot boxes button