Due to the enhancements in the GPU, we do not recommend using Lustre to render grades created in Lustre 2011 or earlier if you are looking for pixel accuracy rendering.
To be able to render grades created before Lustre 2011 Extension 1 using the older HLS/Blur algorithm:
<GPUHLSKeyerBackwardCompatibility state= "On" />
This keyword must be enabled in any init.config configuration file used by Lustre or Lustre render services (Lustre ShotReactor, Burn, etc). Also, verify that the keyword is disabled from init.config configuration files before creating new content in Lustre 2011 Extension 1. If not, all newly created grades will use the older HLS/Blur algorithm.
To disable the keyword:
<GPUHLSKeyerBackwardCompatibility state= "Off" />
When using Incinerator, this keyword does not apply. Incinerator uses CPU rendering only and does not use the GPU to accelerate the keyers and Blur.