Selecting a Colour Model Based Component Keyer

To determine which component keyer will give you the best key, try creating a sample matte for each keyer.

To create a sample matte for each keyer:

  1. From the Start Mode dropdown list, select one of the following: Reset to RGB, Reset to YUV, Reset to HLS, Reset to RGBCMYL.
  2. Select Key In in the View box to view the key-in clip.
  3. Double-click the Keyer node in the schematic.

    The softness for each model is set automatically to 50, which helps you to quickly gauge the model that will create the best key for your clip.

  4. At frame 1, click the Average Colour pot.
  5. Drag the colour picker around the area you want to key out.

    The average colour sampled by the colour picker appears in the Average Colour pot. In each channel of the colour model, the channel value of the average colour appears as a white line. All pixels in the key-in clip with the selected colour value are keyed out.

    The yellow lines in the colour model channels indicate the limits of the softness range. The pixels in the front clip with colour values at the centre of the range are black (transparent) in the matte. As you move away from the centre, the pixels become more opaque.

  6. From the View box, select Matte.
  7. Repeat this procedure to plot the average colour using the other colour models, and then view each resulting matte to determine which model gives the best result. After you decide on a colour model, use the tools described in the next sections to refine your matte.

After you have selected a colour model and set the average colour, set the softness range.