Deform Mesh Menu Settings
X Cells field
Displays the number of cells in each lattice along the X axis. Editable.
Y Cells field
Displays the number of cells in each lattice along the Y axis. Editable.
Z Cells field
Displays the number of cells in each lattice along the Z axis. Editable.
X Lattices field
Displays the number of lattices (to form a grid of vertices) along the X axis. Editable.
Y Lattices field
Displays the number of lattices (to form a grid of vertices) along the Y axis. Editable.
Z Lattices field
Displays the number of lattices (to form a grid of vertices) along the Z axis. Editable.
Position/Current mode box
Select to modify the Position or Current axis controls.
X Position field
Displays the position of the selected points along the X axis. Editable.
Y Position field
Displays the position of the selected points along the Y axis. Editable.
Z Position field
Displays the position of the selected points along the Z axis. Editable.
X Current field
Displays the position of the selected vertex along the X axis. Editable.
Y Current field
Displays the position of the selected vertex along the Y axis. Editable.
Z Current field
Displays the position of the selected vertex along the Z axis. Editable.
X Rotation field
Displays the rotation of the selected points along the X axis. Editable.
Y Rotation field
Displays the rotation of the selected points along the Y axis. Editable.
Z Rotation field
Displays the rotation of the selected points along the Z axis. Editable.
X Scale field
Displays the scale of the selected points along the X axis. Editable.
Y Scale field
Displays the scale of the selected points along the Y axis. Editable.
Z Scale field
Displays the scale of the selected points along the Z axis. Editable.
Proportional Scale button
Enable to scale the points proportionally.
Centre Reference button
Enable to create a centre reference axis for selected points.
Magnet button
Enable to transform a range of deform mesh surface points.
Magnet Transformation box
Select a transformation type to use when Magnet is enabled.
Magnet Curve Editor
Defines the weighted polarity from the centre to the edge of the magnet.
Magnet Curve Home button
Resets the position of the magnet curve after panning.
Magnet Curve Undo button
Undoes a change to the Magnet Curve Editor.
Magnet Curve Reset button
Resets the Magnet Curve Editor.
Motion Blur button
Enable to use a motion blur effect for the selected deformation (can only be used if the global Motion Blur is enabled in the Action Setup menu).
Outside button
Enable to apply the deformation outside of the mesh. Disable to constrain the deformation within the mesh.
Show Source button
Enable to view the original mesh.
Show Destination button
Enable to view the destination mesh.
Reset box
Select whether to resets the shape of the deformation mesh, or only the selected points.
Parent topic:
Deforming Models and Surfaces