Analysing the Cut

Analysis starts at the current frame and continues from shot to shot until you stop it. You can analyse forward or backward through the cut.

To analyse a cut:

  1. Optimize dust removal settings. See Optimizing Dust Detection.
  2. Go to the frame where you want to start analysing.
  3. Adjust the Analyse Contrast slider as needed.

    (a) Backward Analyse button  (b) Forward Analyse button  (c) Analyse Contrast slider  

    Low contrast values cause the algorithm to accept low colour value differences between corresponding pixels on the current, previous, and next frames. Therefore, low values result in more complete removal of the artefact. However, if the contrast is set lower than actually needed, adjacent pixels are modified more than actually required to remove the dust.

  4. Click the Forward Analyse or Backward Analyse button.

    Lustre searches each frame for artefacts based on the parameters you set. It places an active box around each one it encounters and removes the artefact.

To stop the analysis:

  1. Click anywhere in the grey area of the menu.

    Lustre finishes analysing the frame currently being analysed then stops.