Configuring the Colour Transform Aliases

Some colour transforms include references to one or more of several aliases. You can configure which colour transforms are used in place of these aliases. This lets you change the value of the aliases while still using the same colour transform files. For example, you can:

To set the colour transform aliases:

  1. Go to Preferences > LUT.
  2. Set the transform to use for each of the following:
    • Broadcast Monitor Transform. This is the transform that gets used when another transform includes a reference to the broadcastMonitor alias, as well as when another transform includes a reference to the currentMonitor alias for images displayed on the broadcast monitor or projector. Click Browse, select Autodesk at the lower left, and choose one of the transforms in the display/ folder that convert from CIE-XYZ to whatever is appropriate for your broadcast display, or use one of your own transforms.
    • Graphics Monitor Transform. This is the transform that gets used when another transform includes a reference to the graphicsMonitor alias, as well as when another transform includes a reference to the currentMonitor alias for images displayed on the local monitor. Click Browse, select Autodesk at the lower left, and choose one of the transforms in the display/ folder that convert from CIE-XYZ to whatever is appropriate for your local display, or use one of your own transforms.
      Tip: On a Mac system, activate Sync with OS to automatically use the ICC profile set in your operating system's preferences.
    • Default Look Transform. This is the transform that gets used when another transform includes a reference to the defaultLook alias. It should be set to the transform that you are using to re-create the look used on set.