Using a Sparks Plug-in

A Sparks plug-in functions in the same way as other commands or modules. Before using a Sparks plug-in, you will have to load it. After loading the plug-ins, you can replace them if all the Sparks buttons are already in use.

Loading and Replacing Sparks Plug-ins

To load a Sparks plug-in:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the Tools menu, select the Plugins tab and then click one of the Sparks buttons.
    • In Batch or Batch FX, select the Sparks node and drag it into the schematic.
    • In the Timeline, select a clip and add a Sparks Timeline FX to it.
    • Once you have loaded a Sparks plug-in using one of these methods, the Sparks file browser will appear.

      Note: An L on a Sparks button indicates that you can load a Sparks plug-in. An E on a Sparks button indicates that there are settings for the plug-in. An S on a Sparks button indicates that you can enter the module using the same media from the previous session.
  2. Navigate to usr/discreet/sparks.

    You can also load Sparks from usr//discreet/<product home>/sparks.

  3. Select a Sparks plug-in.

    You are returned to your previous location. The name of the Sparks plug-in now appears on the selected button, however the L indicating that you can load a Sparks plug-in no longer appears.

    To exit the Sparks plug-in file browser without loading a plug-in, click the Exit Sparks Browser button.

To replace a Sparks plug-in:

  1. Press Alt and click the existing Sparks button.

    The Sparks file browser appears.

  2. Navigate to usr/discreet/sparks or usr//discreet/<product home>/sparks and select a Sparks plug-in.

    You are returned to your previous location, and the name of the new Sparks plug-in appears on the selected button.

Using Sparks in Batch or Batch FX

There are two Sparks nodes that you can access from Batch or Batch FX: the Sparks node and the Sparks Load node.

The Sparks node allows you to load Sparks Plug-ins by accessing the Sparks file browser. The number of inputs and bit depth that a Sparks node accepts depends on the Sparks plug-in. A Sparks node has light grey source tabs, since each Sparks plug-in varies in the type of clip it uses

When working with a Sparks plug-in, missing media in front clips set to No Media can be converted into black frames while they are in use. When missing media is output from this node, it returns to a No Media state, regardless of whether it was set to display differently in the node.

Note: When you attempt to use a Sparks plug-in, the error message "SPARK IS NOT SUPPORTED" may appear. This means the selected Sparks plug-in cannot be used with Batch or Batch FX. Contact the company that developed the Sparks plug-in for information on obtaining a compatible version.

The Sparks Load node allows you to populate multiple Sparks nodes at the same time into a destination bin. Populating a bin with predefined Sparks nodes saves you time since you do not have to access the Sparks browser each time you want to use one of the preloaded Sparks.

Unlike the Sparks node, the Sparks Load node itself cannot be dragged to the schematic; only the predefined node populated into a bin can be dragged to the schematic.

To create a predefined Sparks node in a bin:

  1. Drag the Sparks Load node on top of any tab in the ALL Tools bin except the ALL Nodes tab.

    The Sparks Plug-in file browser appears.

  2. Select a Sparks Plug-in or select multiple plug-ins by Ctrl-clicking the Sparks you want to load.
  3. Click load.

The selected Sparks are created as their own Sparks nodes in the destination bin. To use one of the preloaded Sparks, drag it from the destination bin to the schematic. You do not have to re-enter the Sparks browser to load a Sparks if you preloaded it into a bin.