Publishing an FCP X XML Sequence

Use FCP X XML Export when you want to share a sequence with third party applications. The XML Export generates a simplified sequence that can be used in third party applications for creative editorial, color correction, media management, etc.

You can also use XML export to share a sequence and media files with Flame Premium, but the amount of exported metadata is limited by the FCP X XML format:

The exported XML file can be imported in:

To publish a sequence as an FCP X XML and export its media:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click the sequence to export and select Export. And then, using the Media Export window, navigate to the clip's destination.
    • From the MediaHub, drag-and-drop the file from the Media panel to the location displayed in the browser.
  2. Set Export Type to Sequence Publish.
  3. Set Format Preset to one of the FCP X XML presets.
  4. Click Export.

    Flame Premium prepares the export job. Once that preparation is done, Flame Premium performs the export in the background. You are free to use the application as the export happens.

Customizing FCP X XML Publication

  1. In Media Export, set Export to Sequence Publish.
  2. Enable Show Advanced Options to access the detailed settings.
  3. In the Sequence Options, set Format to Final Cut Pro X XML.

From the Sequence Options tab, you can export an AAF file that references the original media files or generate an XML file that will reference new media files.

To export only an FCP X XML, without media:

  1. Enable Include Video and Include Audio, as required.
  2. Disable both Export Video Media and Export Audio Media.
  3. Click Export.

    This creates an FCP X XML file where the video and audio tracks reference the original media files. Also note that the Tracks and Transitions option is implicitly set to Keep All Tracks, and cannot be changed.

To export an FCP X XML and its media:

  1. Enable Include Video and Include Audio, as required.
  2. Enable Export Video Media and Export Audio Media, as required.
  3. Set Video Format to Movie, and Audio Format to Movie.
  4. Select a Media option, either Use Original Media or Use Media with FX.
  5. Select an option for Tracks and Transitions. This option defines the exported structure of the sequence:
    • Flatten Tracks: The sequence is converted to a single segment.
    • Flatten Tracks with Transitions: A multi-track sequence is converted to a single track sequence and dissolve transitions are preserved. Non dissolve transitions are flattened.
    • Keep All Tracks: The sequence structure is not modified and non-dissolve transitions are converted to dissolve transitions. Also, non centered transitions are converted to centered dissolves.

FCP X XML Presets

You can use one of the following sets of Sequence Publish presets to export an FCP X XML for a specific purpose.

XML for Apple Final Cut Pro X (Flatten)
Use these Export Presets to publish clips or sequences as a final asset to be used in a third party application that supports FCP X XML. Media with FX is used to generate media files.
XML for Apple Final Cut Pro X (Flatten With Transitions)
Use these Export Presets to publish your sequence when you want editors, colorists, or visual effects artists to work on a simplified sequence version that allows to them to see shot boundaries. Media with FX is used to generate media files.
XML for Apple Final Cut Pro X (All Tracks)
Use these Export Presets to publish your sequence when you want editors, colorists, or visual effects artists to work on a simplified multi tracks sequence version that allows them to see shot boundaries. The original media is used to generate media files for segments that have Timeline FX. Segments made from Tools, Batch, Container, Matte Container or Batch or Batch FX use media with FX.
Note: The All Tracks Publish options uses the top most video tracks to generate content and not the current track focus. If the sequence you want to use for XML Export contains material on video track you do not want to export, remove these extra video tracks prior to exporting.
XML for DaVinci Resolve (ProRes 422 and 24-bit WAVE)
This preset generates a video and audio multi-tracks FCP X XML file with 10-bit QuickTime ProRes 422 referencing the media with effects. 24-bit audio WAVE files are also generated. Audio tracks are flattened.
XML for DaVinci Resolve for Source Grading (ProRes 422 and 24-bit WAVE)
This preset generates a video and audio multi-tracks FCP X XML file with 10-bit QuickTime ProRes 422 using the original media. 24-bit audio WAVE files are also generated, but the audio tracks are flattened.
XML for DaVinci Resolve for Source Grading (Sequence-only)
This preset generates a video-only multi-track FCP X XML file referencing the source media with effects. No media files are generated.


Note that when exporting a sequence as an FCP X XML file:

Metadata-only export limitations:

Media file-related limitations: