User Interface Preferences


Background field
Displays the background brightness value. Editable
Brightness field
Displays the brightness of interface elements such as buttons and fields. Editable.
Contrast field
Displays the contrast of interface elements such as buttons and fields. Editable.

On-Screen Widgets

On-screen Keyboard button
Enable to have the on-screen keyboard appear when you enter text in a field.
Calculator Placement box
Select where the calculator appears when you click in a numeric field.


Drag Transparency field
Displays the transparency level of clips while dragging. Editable.
Bold Font button
Enable bold fonts on buttons. Available on Linux systems only.

Time Display Mode

Time Display Mode Box
Select to display frames or timecodes in frame marking controls, the timebar, segments, and the fields below the timeline.
Force TC in Conform List button
Enable to force the Conform Table to display Timecode information, even if Time Display Mode is set to Frame.


Clip Name Only button
Enable to only display the name of clips on thumbnails.
Secondary Information box
Select the secondary clip information displayed on thumbnails.
Options are:
  • No Secondary Information
  • Record Timecode
  • Source Timecode
Resolution Information box
Select the clip resolution information displayed on thumbnails.
Options are:
  • No Resolution Information
  • Resolution
  • Frame rate
  • Resolution & Frame rate
Display Keycode button
Enable to display keycode information on thumbnails.
Render Effects button
Enable to display rendered frames in thumbnails of clips with applied but unrendered effects. Disable to display "Unrendered" in the thumbnails of such clips.

Auto Key Button Look

Auto Key Look box
Select whether to apply a Classic (grey) or Coloured (yellow) look to the Auto Key button.

Confirm Dialog

Reset Visibility button
Resets the visibility of previously hidden confirmation dialog boxes.

Freeform View

Snap to Grid button
Enable to snap thumbnails to a grid. The grid becomes visible when this button is enabled.
Grid Size field
Displays a value in pixels for the size of the boxes that make the grid. Editable.
Thumbnail Height field
Enter a default value in pixels for the height of thumbnails displayed in the Thumbnail view. All new thumbnails are generated at this height. Existing ones are unchanged.


Create Reel Group button
Enable to automatically create a Reel group for all new or cleared Desktops, causing the Reel group to be selected and the initial Batch group to be collapsed in the Media panel. Enabled by default.


Auto Display button
Enable to automatically display tooltips. If disabled, you can still display tooltips for selected buttons using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+W.
Hover field
Displays the amount of time you must position the mouse over the object before the tooltip displays (in seconds). Editable.


Friction field
Displays how much the reels scroll after you release your mouse/pen. Increase the value to limit the amount the reel scrolls after you release the mouse/pen.

Default Reels Number

Number of Batch Schematic Reels field
Displays the default number of Batch Schematic reels when creating a new Batch. Editable.
Number of Batch Shelves field
Displays the default number of Batch Shelves when creating a new Batch. Editable.
Number of Reels in Groups field
Displays the default number of reels contained in a Reel group. Editable.

Desktop Reels

Reels Orientation box
Select a horizontal or vertical orientation for the reels.
Reverse button
Enable to reverse the order that clips appear on the reels.
Clip Spacing field
Enter a value to control the padding between clips on the reels.

Gestural Workflow

Swipe Bars button
Click to enable swipe bars that you can use to switch views in different areas of your product.
Layout Selection Overlay button
Click to enable the menu overlay in the Timeline view. You can use the menu overlay to change what is displayed in the Timeline view.