Shared Libraries

About Shared Libraries

The Flare workflow is based on shared libraries. Any media placed in the shared libraries becomes accessible to remote workstations that connect to the project. Shared libraries enable Flame and Flare to quickly and conveniently share media, allowing you to spend more time on creative tasks and less time managing your media.

Exclusive Access

Placing media in a shared library automatically grants read access to any remote workstations connected to the project. The Flare operator can access the media and start working immediately after connecting to the Flame project. Once finished, the Flare operator needs to save the resulting media back to the shared library. To do this he must acquire exclusive access.

Exclusive access locks the library so that only the user having acquired exclusive access can modify the library contents (i.e. write to the library). Read access is still available to other remote workstations connected to the project. Once the media is saved, the user can release exclusive access, enabling other remote workstations to obtain exclusive access and modify the content.

To acquire exclusive access:

  1. Select the shared library you want to acquire exclusive access to in the Media panel.
  2. From the contextual menu, select Acquire Exclusive Access.
  3. Note: By default, after 600 seconds of inactivity, your exclusive access will be released. You can customize this setting in the user preferences (in the General tab).

To release exclusive access:

  1. Select the shared library you want to acquire exclusive access to in the Media panel.
  2. From the contextual menu, select Release Exclusive Access.

Open / Close

You can open and close shared libraries. Closing shared libraries turns off access to the media within the shared libraries as well as freeing up your system memory.

To open / close shared libraries:

  1. Select the top level shared library you want to open or close in the Media panel.
  2. From the contextual menu, select Open Library or Close Library.


The content of shared libraries is automatically refreshed every 60 seconds. You can customize this interval in the user preferences (in the General tab). You can also manually refresh the content of shared libraries, to make sure you have access to all the shared media.

To manually refresh the content of shared libraries:

  1. Select the top level shared library you want to refresh in the Media panel.
  2. From the contextual menu, select Refresh.

    The content of the selected shared library is updated.