Moving, Rotating, and Zooming in on the RGB Viewer

The RGB viewer represents the 3D colour space of a key-in clip. As you work on the precision of a key, you will want to change the position, orientation, and size of the RGB viewer. Use Alt, Shift, and Ctrl to move, rotate, and zoom in on the RGB viewer.

To: Do this:
Move the viewer Alt-click the viewer and drag it.
Zoom in on the viewer Shift-click the viewer and move the cursor to the left or right.
Rotate the viewer Ctrl-click the viewer and move the cursor in any direction. By default this rotates the viewer around its centre. Using Rotation Axis options in the Preferences menu, you can also rotate the viewer around a plotted point, or around the centre of the tolerance or softness ellipsoid. This makes it easier to zoom in on specific elements in the viewer.

Resetting the RGB Viewer

To reset the viewer's position, orientation, and size, click Home in the lower-left corner of the Key, Patches, or Preferences menu.

Note: Other settings, such as resolution or canvas light, are not reset.