Use the following table to get a quick overview of the 3D text presets available in this release, along with particular comments, if applicable.
Proxy | Name/Description/Comments |
3DRotate Text on a rotating circular path. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
3DRotate_Shadow Text rotating on a circular path with a fake shadow. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
3DRotate_Transition Transition between two text strings rotating on a circular path. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Behind_Camera_3D Characters coming from behind the camera. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Bounce Characters falling and bouncing. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Set duration and amplitude of the bouncing. | |
Break_and_Fall Characters breaking in two parts and falling down. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Bubble_Pop Characters forming a bubble which pops. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Chop_Sticks Characters arriving one after the other with a scale and rotation effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Circle Characters moving along a circular path. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Circle_Transition Transition between two text strings, in which characters are moving along a circular path with a banking effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Climber Characters climbing from the bottom to the top of the frame. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Use offset.rotation.X to set the displacement duration and offset.rotation.Y to set the rotation duration. | |
Clock_Transition Transition between four text strings rotating like clock hands. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Colour_Flasher Moving coloured flashing text. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Colour_offset sets the time offset between red, green, and blue channels. | |
Counter Incremental counter with numbers 000 to 999. | |
Diagonal Characters dispersing diagonally in the frame. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Dispersion Characters dispersing randomly. Use time_stretch.scaling.X to slow down or speed up the effect. | |
Dispersion_Transition Transition between two text strings using a dispersion movement. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
DNA Animated double helix structure using two text strings of the letter “T”. | |
Dominos Characters falling one after the other. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Fade_In_Flicker Fade in of randomly flickering characters. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Fade_In_From_Centre Fade in from the centre to the extremities of the text. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Set characters.rotation.X to the number of characters in the Text field. | |
Fade_In_From_Left Fade in from the left to the right of the text. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Fade_In_Out_By_Character Fade in and out one character after the other. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Set characters.rotation.X to the number of characters in the Text field. | |
Fade_In_Random Use time_stretch.scaling.X to slow down or speed up the effect. | |
Fade_In_To_Centre Fade in from the extremities to the centre of the text. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Fade_Out_From_Centre Fade out from the centre to the extremities of the text. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Set characters.rotation.X to the number of characters in the Text field. | |
Fade_Out_From_Right Fade out from the right to the left of the text. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Fade_Out_Random Use time_stretch.scaling.X to slow down or speed up the effect. | |
Fade_Out_To_Centre Fade out from the extremities to the centre of the text. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Fast_Beam Characters arriving from the right side of the frame, with scaling and flickering. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Customize the flicker effect using flicker settings. | |
Flasher Customize the flashing using period_offset settings. | |
Flicker Animate with period.rotation.X. | |
Flip_Transition Transition between two text strings, with characters rotating on the Y axis. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Flutter Characters arriving one after the other with a scale and rotation effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Flying_Transition Transition between two text strings in which characters are flying out from the centre and coming back to it. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
From_Back Characters arriving from behind the camera. Use time_stretch.scaling.X to slow down or speed up the effect. | |
From_Bottom Characters arriving from the bottom of the frame, with rotation. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
From_Camera_3D Characters arriving from behind the camera and turning towards the camera. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Ghost Text arriving toward the camera, reflecting, and fading. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Ghost_Cascade Similar to Ghost, with a cascade applied. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Ghost_Rotation Similar to Ghost with an animated ParticleDraw axis. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Helix_Transition Transition between two text strings in which characters are rotating on their X axis. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Insertion Text is revealed frame after frame in insert mode. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Use offset.rotation.X to set the starting value of the path. | |
Kern Characters arriving and leaving the frame with kerning and rotation. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Mirror Text on path with a mirror effect. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Negate Text revealed using a negate blending effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Ocean_Tide Text moving slowly as if characters were floating on the sea. Use period and amplitude axes to customize the wavy effect. | |
Ocean_Tide_Transition Transition between two text strings moving slowly as if characters were floating on the sea. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Use period and amplitude axes to customize the wavy effect. | |
Path_Warp Text on animated path producing a warping effect. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Pendulum Characters moving as if attached to a pendulum Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Use period and amplitude axes to customize the oscillating effect. | |
Pulse_Wave Characters moving vertically with a pulsating effect. Customize using period and amplitude settings. | |
Quick_Rotate Characters rotating on their X axis. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Quick_Twist Characters scaled on their Y axis. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Random_Display Random letters with a specific starting and ending text string. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Type the start text in text_1 and the stop text in text_2. | |
Random_Hide Characters disappearing randomly. Clipping Plane modified. Use time_stretch.scaling.X to slow down or speed up the effect. | |
Random_Letters Letters displayed randomly. | |
Random_Reveal Characters appearing randomly. Clipping Plane modified. Use time_stretch.scaling.X to slow down or speed up the effect. | |
Replace_Transition Transition between two text strings with rotation. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Reverse Transition between two text strings in which characters reverse direction. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Rubber Characters are stretched and released like rubber. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Set period and amplitude of the bouncing. | |
Rubber_Transition Transition between two text strings using a rubber effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Set period and amplitude of the bouncing. | |
Scaling_Transition Transition between two text string using a scaling effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Set characters.rotation.X to the number of characters in the Text field. | |
Shiver_Transition Transition between two text strings with a shiver-like effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Increase or decrease the turbulence using noise_amplitude. | |
Shuffle_In_Out Characters arriving from the left, stopping in the centre, and leaving to the right. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Spin_Compress Characters revealed with rotation, and leaving with a compression effect. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Spin_In_Out Characters arriving and leaving with rotation. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Spin_Transition Transition between two spinning text strings. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Spinning_Letters Characters thrown with a spinning effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Experiment with transition_ctrl.scaling.Y and transition_ctrl.scaling.Z. | |
Spiral Text on a spiral path. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Spiral_Transition Transition between two text strings with a spiral effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Spring_Transition Transition between two text strings with letters springing left and right. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Customize the pulsing effect using period and amplitude settings | |
Squash_Transition Transition from a text string with letters being squashed to reveal the other text string. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Star Text moving along a star path. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Stretch Text arriving from the left of the frame with a stretching effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Subtract Text revealed using a subtract blending effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Text_Falling Characters moving along a line, then falling down. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Titles Three text strings on a path arriving from the upper left. Edit timing using the Animation Track Editor. | |
Titles_Stairs Three text strings revealed with a spinning effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Track_In Characters appear and disappear with scaling. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Tremor Characters appear as if shaking. Increase or decrease the turbulence effect using noise_amplitude. | |
Twist Characters arriving and leaving with a twisting effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Typewriter Text revealed frame after frame with a typewriter effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Use transition_ctrl.rotation.X andtransition_ctrl.shearing.X to set the fade in duration of characters. | |
Typewriter_Cursor Text is revealed frame after frame with a cursor preceding characters. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Use transition_ctrl.rotation.X and transition_ctrl.shearing.X to set the fade in duration of characters. Set as many white squares as characters in the text node. Adapt cursor kerning if needed. | |
Vertical_In_Out Characters arriving from the left side of the frame and moving vertically before going out to the right of the frame. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Vertical_Rotation_Transition Transition between two text strings moving vertically. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Waveform Waveform using Cursor font. Link text.character_anim.scaling.Y to an audio file. | |
Whip_Effect Characters whipped by a rotating effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Whip_Transition Transition between two text string with characters whipped by a rotating effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
Whirlwind_Transition Transition between two text string with characters circulating by a rotating effect. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. | |
White_Background Characters revealed on a white background. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Change the background using white_bkgd_ax settings and white_bkgd kerning value. | |
Windy Characters moving as if by wind. Customize with period and amplitude axes. | |
Zig_Zag Characters arriving and leaving following a zig-zag path. Edit timing using transition_ctrl settings. Change the path, if needed. |