Matching Shots

You can use Matchback to select a shot in the timeline and find it in the Library, or click a shot in the Library and see where it is used in the timeline.

To match a shot from the Timeline or Storyboard to the Library:

  1. Select the shot by completing one of the following:
    • Click a shot in the Storyboard.
    • Place the Timeline positioner on a shot.
  2. Press Shift+Q.

    The selected shot is highlighted in the Library.

To match a shot from the Library to the timeline:

  1. Alt-click the shot in the Library.

    The selected shot is highlighted in the Storyboard and the positioner is updated in the Timeline.

    Note: If you continue to Alt-click the shot in the Library, successive instances of the same shot are highlighted in the Storyboard and positioned in the Timeline.