To export a clip or a sequence:
Flame Premium prepares the export job. Once that preparation is done, the rest of export happens in the background and frees up Flame Premium for your use.
To export an RGBA movie file or file sequence, create a Matte Container prior to exporting.
To be able to export an RGBA media file, make sure the Comp effect is muted before exporting.
For File Sequence and Movie, foreground export lets you export media without requiring you to re-render. This options make so Flame Premium does not need to allocate frames on the framestore because content is streamed directly to the exported file, reducing the time to export.
For Sequence Publish exports, when the media needs to be packaged, Flame Premium renders before exporting for the segments that require to be pre-rendered. For example, using the Flattened tracks option with Timeline FX requires rendering prior exporting, as do segments with a BFX or Resize.
When you open the XML in FCP X, the media will automatically relink if exported to a file location available on the FCP X workstation. You might have to use the FCP X Relink tool to link the XML sequence back to the QuickTime if the media file path is different.
Select: | To insert the token: | Definition: |
Height | <height> | The clip's height, after resize if applicable. |
Width | <width> | The clip's width, after resize if applicable. |
Date | <date> | The current date ( YYYY_MM_DD) |
Event Number | <event number> | A number usually defined in a EDL, but that can be manually set in Conform. |
Project | <project> | The name of the project, as displayed in | .
Project Nickname | <project nickname> | The name of the project, as displayed in | .
Segment Index | <segment> | A sequential index (from 1) indicating the relative position of each segment on the timeline; gaps are not indexed unless they have a Timeline FX applied. |
Segment Name | <segment name> | User-defined name of the timeline segment. |
Time | <time> | The time, formatted HH:MM:SS. |
User | <user> | The user name, as displayed in | .
User Nickname | <user nickname> | The user name, as displayed in | .
Version ID | <version> | Number of the current version, as defined in the Clip Options tab. |
Version Name | <version name> | Version Name from the Clip Options tab. |
Workstation | <workstation> | The name of the workstation, as displayed in the Host Computer field in | .