Perspective Grid Menu Settings

Grid Tab

Transform Mode box
Select either 2D (homographic planar projection of the perspective) or 3D (full 3D perspective transformation) mode. Some settings are not available depending on the mode chosen.
Note: Perspective Grids contained in Action setups from a previous release appear in 3D Legacy mode, maintaining the previous grid position.
Invert button
Enable to remove the animated perspective of the object parented to the grid. Available only in 2D mode.
Scale field
Displays the size of the object under the perspective grid. Editable.
Reset button
Click to reset the perspective grid settings (does not reset the active perspective camera settings).
Top Left X field
Displays the top left X position of the grid. You can also edit this position directly in the image window. Editable.
Top Left Y field
Displays the top left Y position of the grid. You can also edit this position directly in the image window. Editable.
Top Right X field
Displays the top right X position of the grid. You can also edit this position directly in the image window. Editable.
Top Right Y field
Displays the top right Y position of the grid. You can also edit this position directly in the image window. Editable.
Bottom Left X field
Displays the bottom left X position of the grid. You can also edit this position directly in the image window. Editable.
Bottom Left Y field
Displays the bottom left Y position of the grid. You can also edit this position directly in the image window. Editable.
Bottom Right X field
Displays the bottom right X position of the grid. You can also edit this position directly in the image window. Editable.
Bottom Right Y field
Displays the bottom right Y position of the grid. You can also edit this position directly in the image window. Editable.
Grid Width field
Displays the width resolution (in Action coordinates) of a 2D perspective grid with Invert enabled. Editable.
Grid Height field
Displays the height resolution (in Action coordinates) of a 2D perspective grid with Invert enabled. Editable.
Constraint box
Select whether to lock the height or width of the grid when manipulating the grid points (select Lock Both to lock the width and height). Lock Both is selected automatically when planar tracking.
Z Offset field
Displays the distance between the perspective grid and the camera along the Z axis to make a 3D grid larger or smaller while maintaining the visual result. Editable.
Perspective Camera field
Displays the active perspective camera number. Non-editable.
Stereo Camera Perspective box
Select whether to use the left or right camera from a stereo camera rig when working with the perspective grid.
FOV field
Displays the field of view of the active perspective camera. When adjusting the perspective grid, the FOV of the target camera updates automatically (unless Lock is selected in the FOV Adjustments box). Non-editable.
FOV Adjustments box
Select an FOV camera adjustment mode.
Select: To:
Static Use all corner keyframes to compute an overall FOV and set the camera to non-animated during tracking of the perspective grid. By using multiple keyframes of corners, this is a better estimate of FOV (for sequences where FOV does not change).
Dynamic Allow adjustments of the target camera FOV and position during tracking of the perspective grid. Use when the FOV changes over the length of the sequence.
Lock Lock the camera FOV and position during tracking of the perspective grid.

Tracking Tab

Common Settings

Tracking Mode box
Select which tracking mode to apply.
Enter Tracker button
Click to open the Tracker menu to apply tracking data for the selected tracking mode.
Rotation button
Enable to apply rotation data to the track.
Skew button
Enable to apply skew data to the track.
Scale button
Enable to apply scale data to the track.
Perspective button
Enable to apply perspective data to the track.
Camera box
Specify which camera to take into account when tracking or viewing in Action Object view (F8).
Use Media field
Displays the number of the media associated with the analysis. To track the Back media, select 0.
Tracking View box
When the media associated to the analysis is a Source node, select to track the media in the Source Front, Source Matte, or Source Result view.
Media FX button
Enable to take into account blur and colour correct settings from the Action Media list in the analysis.

Planar Tracking Settings

Analyze button
Click to start the planar tracking analysis.
Direction box
Select whether to track forward or backward.
Go to Reference button
Click to move to the frame of the last Snap operation, or press Ctrl and click to go to the last analyzed frame.
Step button
Click to advance to the next frame and analyze.
Set button
Click to analyze the current frame, based on the reference frame, to realign the shape used for tracking. Press Ctrl and click Set to add a keyframe on the track without doing any analysis.
Skip button
Click to advance to the next frame and delete the selected point on the tracking path (performs a combination of the Step and Delete buttons).
Delete button
Click to delete the selected point on the tracking path. You can also use the Backspace key to delete the current keyframe, and move to the previous keyframe.
Auto Update Reference button
Enable to update the tracking reference at the current frame after each analysis. Disable to track the movement of the reference point specified in the reference frame.
Snap button
Click to redefine the tracking reference at the selected frame.
GMask Inclusive box
Select whether to use the union of parented GMasks or GMask gradients as the tracking reference. Select None to use the whole image (Axis), or the four corner region (Perspective Grid).
GMask Exclusive box
Select whether to exclude GMasks in the tracking analysis.
Tracking Algorithm box
Select which planar tracking algorithm to use. Select Region Warping to use all the pixels defined within the reference, or Multi Feature Detection to use some points defined within the reference. Different settings appear below based on the algorithm chosen.
Sampling field
Displays the size of the reference for Region Warping. A smaller reference increases performance at the expense of the quality of its results. Editable.
Lighting button
Enable to estimate local lightning variations of the tracked surface.
Occlusions button
Enable to automatically exclude parts of the reference to be analyzed based on their likelihood to be occluded.
Analyze RGB Channels button
Enable to include all colour channels in the tracking analysis. Disable to only track luminance.
Average field
Displays the blending factor to apply to the tracking analysis, based on the neighbouring frames. Use to remove jitter, for example. Note that this operation is destructive, and once applied, the value returns to 0 (you can use Undo to revert, if needed). Editable.
Size field
Displays the area in pixels of each tracker. Editable.
Min Number field
Displays the minimum number of trackers to use in the analysis. Editable.
Tolerance field
Displays the level of acceptable changes in the pixel environment. For example, a low tolerance value ensures that the motion of an external object passing in front of the tracked object does not get tracked through the analysis. Editable.

Display Tab

Shape Reference button
Enable to display an overlay of the reference frame when tracking in Object view (F8).
Shape Current button
Enable to display an overlay of the current frame when tracking in Object view (F8).
Magnifier button
Enable to display the magnifier while dragging a corner of the perspective grid rectangle.
Zoom field
Displays the zoom factor of the magnifier. Editable up to 5x.
Display Grid button
Enable to display the grid lines in Result or Object view.
Grid Colour pot
Displays the colour of the grid lines. Click to change the colour.