As an alternative to using the Axes list to view the axis hierarchy and create parent axes, you can use the schematic.
The schematic appears in the Player and allows you to parent shapes and axes in any combination you like. For example, a shape could parent an axis, or vice versa.
Creating a master axis and using it to parent multiple axes simultaneously is performed the same way as when using the Axes list. However, in the schematic, you can also make connections one at a time.
Note: Axes cannot be deleted in the schematic.
To create parent/child connections using the schematic:
- Press the tilde key (~) to switch to a schematic view of the axis hierarchy.
Note: To pan within the schematic, hold down the middle mouse button and drag.
- To connect one item to another, click just inside the border of the parent object and drag to the intended child object. The connection is represented by a white line (yellow when selected), with the hierarchy indicated by an arrow that points away from the parent object and towards the child.
Note: To move an item, click in its centre and drag. To break a link, drag a red line across the connection line.
- Switch back to default view by pressing ~ again.
The changed hierarchy is displayed in the schematic.