- FBX Scale field
- Displays the factor by which to scale the FBX scene. Does not scale the camera if it has already been extracted using the Extract Camera button. Editable.
- Extract Camera button
- Click to extract the 3D camera from the FBX scene. It extracts and creates a new 3D camera node, scaled to the current FBX Scale . Once extracted, the camera is no longer linked to the FBX scale: changing the FBX scale does not affect the camera. If you need to edit then rescale the camera after changing the FBX Scale, delete the extracted camera and extract a new one.
- Sort button
- Enable so the 3D models contained in the FBX Scene are drawn according to their normals. Consider using this option if the scene contains semi-transparent 3D models to ensure they are correctly drawn.
- FBX File Path field
- Displays the path to the FBX file. This field is displayed in red if the linked FBX file can no longer be found. Click to open the browser to locate a moved FBX file, or to replace the currently displayed FBX scene with another one.
- Refresh button
- Click to update the FBX Scene node with the content of the linked FBX file. Use this if the FBX file has been updated since its import.