Flame Premium offers you two methods to work in collaboration with other Flame Premium.
The first one is the Projects browser in the MediaHub. Use it to transfer clips between your project and another one. This other project can be a local, such as a previous project you worked on, or a remote project, such as a a sequence being put together in Flame Assist. Or use the Projects browser to transfer clips from a project created with an older version of the software.
To work on the same shots, clips, sequences, use shared libraries. This other second method integrates directly in the Media panel, and are best used when you are working with other users on the same project. Flare Workflow has more about working with Workspaces, and even if it targets mostly a Flame-Flare workflow, it applies to any setup where shared libraries are used.
When importing media files and using the Cache Source Media, Flame Premium bakes in import options like resize, LUT, and format specific options like R3D settings. Of course, you always have access to the import settings, and edit it if need be. Open the Pre-Processing editor from the Timeline FX ribbon.
But Lustre does not have access to the import history for clips imported in Flame Premium with an enabled Cache Source Media option. This means that if you import in Lustre a Flame Premium-created sequence that uses such clips, you do not have access to their import history. Flushing the media cache prior to importing the clip in Lustre restores access to import history.
To restore access to the import history for Lustre:
You can now edit the import history of the clip from Lustre.
Projects and their contents hosted in Creative Finishing applications (versions 2015 and earlier) are read-only from Smoke 2015 Desktop Subscription. That is, you can transfer into Smoke 2015 Desktop Subscription, but you cannot transfer from a Smoke 2015 Desktop Subscription to a Flame or the Flame Premium suite of applications.
You can transfer projects and their contents between Smoke 2015 Desktop Subscription systems.