Adding an IBL Map

IBL maps behave differently than other Light FX nodes, such as Lens Flares, since you don't attach it to a light in the scene. The IBL performs lighting based on media as an environment texture.

Note: On a Mac system, you are limited to one IBL map per Action object.

To add an IBL map to the scene:

  1. Select the media to be used as the IBL in the image list. Any type of media can be used, including, but not limited to, .hdr images.
  2. Select the node in the schematic that you want to attach the IBL map to.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the IBL node from the node bin and place it in the schematic.
    • Double-click the IBL node.
    • To affect the entire scene, add an IBL map and make it a child of the Result camera (or any camera used for the comp output). To affect a specific object, make the IBL map a child of the object. You can use only one IBL to affect the entire scene, and only one IBL to affect an object.

  4. To display the IBL menu, double-click the IBL object in the schematic, or follow the tab population rules for the Object menu. See Populating Menu Tabs of Selected Objects.