CUT File Tags

The CUT file is located in the Library directory and contains the following shot information:

The CUT file is built from the sequence of shots, and its order determines the order of shots on the Lustre Timeline.

When modifying the CUT file, you are restricted to the following tags.

Note: Items in the Children row are occasionally marked with a + (plus sign) or * (asterisk). The + indicates that the parent tag can contain more than one instance of this element. The * indicates that the element is mandatory.
Description The root tag that contains opening and closing tags. It is a structure tag and as such can include hard returns.
Parameters For the current release the only parameter allowed is Ver="3.0"
Parents N/A
Children +*Shot
Description A single shot (uninterrupted sequence of images). It is a structure tag and as such can include hard returns. The parent cut tag can contain any number of shots.
Parameters N/A
Parents Cut
Children +Seq, +AliasName, +EData
Description The image sequence location. For example: [HOME]/scene1/1828x1332/%05d.dpx*7751.
Parameters N/A
Parents Shot
Children N/A
Description The shot's short name. An asterisk (*) indicates a previous wedge number. You can make the alias name appear in the Library and the browser by pressing W on the keyboard.
Parameters N/A
Parents Shot
Children N/A
Description The structure for storing editing metadata.
Parameters N/A
Parents Shot
Children +UniqueId, +SrcFullStart, +SrcFullLength, +SrcTrimStart, +SrcTrimLength, +ResStart, +ResLength, FadeType, FadeStartFromEnd, FadeSize, FadeCurve, RetimeRefFrame, RetimeSpeed, RetimeRemain, EDLEvent, EDLFadeDur, EDLFrameRate, EDLReelName, EDLFadeType, EDLSrcTcIn, EDLSrcTcOut, EDLRecTcIn, EDLRecTcOut, EDLFadeDur, EDLRetimeSpeed, EDLRetimeRef, EDLFadeUID, EDLKeyCodeStart, EDLKeyCodeEnd, DLEDLRes, DLEDLStartTc, DLEDLFrameIdList, DLEDLClipName, MediaUnlinked, MediaPtr, MediaDef, MediaLinkData, DPXTimeCodeStart, DPXTimeCodeEnd, DPXKeyCodeStart, DPXKeyCodeEnd, DPXFrameRate, DPXCodeRes, DPXKeyCodeType
Description A shot's unique identification string. If generated internally, do not modify. This would result in grade loss since shots and grades are linked by the unique ID. If the CUT file was generated externally, the ID must respect the following conditions: it must be unique within the cutlist, and the data type must be a 64-bit integer in a hexadecimal format. See CUT File Data Types.
Parameters Type
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The first frame of the original image sequence. The frame number is converted and displayed as timecode.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The shot's number of frames.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The trim start frame. This value should be greater than the SrcFullStart value and smaller than the sum of SrcFullStart plus SrcFullLength.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The trimmed shot length. The sum of SrcTrimStart plus SrcTrimLength should always be smaller than the sum of SrcFullStart plus SrcFullLength.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The start record frame. The frame number can be converted to timecode if required.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The record length in frames.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The transition type. Type 1 is a dissolve, and type 0 is a cut.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The starting frame of the transition, counting from the end of the current shot.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description Length of the transition in frames.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description Container for transition curves. There are two types of transition curves: InChannel and OutChannel. The InChannel transition curve determines the transparency of the current shot, whereas the OutChannel transition curve determines the transparency of the overlapped shot.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children +InChannel, +OutChannel
Description The transition curve that determines the transparency of the current shot.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children +*Point
Description The transition curve that determines the transparency of the overlapped shot.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children +*Point
Description One control point on a curve. For dissolves, the curve calculation is based on Hermite interpolation, and all values are normalized to a 0-65535 range.
Parameters N/A
Parents InChannel, OutChannel
Children +X, +Y, +TangentX, +TangentY
Description X coordinate of a control point.
Parameters N/A
Parents Point
Children N/A
Description Y coordinate of a control point.
Parameters N/A
Parents Point
Children N/A
Tangent X  
Description The absolute X position of the tangent point. This is unrelated to the tangent angle.
Parameters N/A
Parents Point
Children N/A
Tangent Y  
Description The absolute Y position of the tangent point. This is unrelated to the tangent angle.
Parameters N/A
Parents Point
Children N/A
Description The retime's base point in frames. This is usually equivalent to the SrcTrimStart.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description Speed change rate. Supported data type is long float (“lf”, aka double). For example, normal speed is 1.0, half speed is 0.5, double speed is 2.0, -1.0 is normal speed reverse play, -0.5 is half speed reverse play, and -2.0 is double speed reverse play.
Parameters Type
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description Value for compensating rounding errors. This tag is used only if a retimed shot was retrimmed. Otherwise its value is zero. Supported data type is long float (“lf”, aka double).
Parameters Type
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL event number.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL fade duration in frames.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL frame rate. This tag's parameter is the float data type. See CUT File Data Types.
Parameters Type
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL reel name. The tag's parameter is the string data type. See CUT File Data Types.
Parameters Type
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The EDL fade type. Legal values include:

-1= cut


>=SMPTE wipe type number

Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL source in timecode. This tag's parameter is the timecode data type. See CUT File Data Types.
Parameters Type
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL source out timecode. This tag's parameter is the timecode data type. See CUT File Data Types.
Parameters Type
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL record in timecode. This tag's parameter is the timecode data type. See CUT File Data Types.
Parameters Type
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL record out timecode. This tag's parameter is the timecode data type. See CUT File Data Types.
Parameters Type
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL fade duration in frames.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL retime as a percentage value.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The retime's base point in frames. This is usually equivalent to the SrcTrimStart.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description Unique ID of the second shot in the dissolve.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL keycode start. This tag's parameter is the keycode data type. See CUT File Data Types.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description EDL keycode end. This tag's parameter is the keycode data type. See CUT File Data Types.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description String from the DLEDL that describes the image format.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description Start timecode from the DLEDL.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description Pointer to the frame ID list, which is used by the system to locate frames on the Stone filesystem. Supported data type is integer. See CUT File Data Types.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description DLEDL clip name.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description DPX header timecode start.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description DPX header timecode end.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description DPX header keycode start.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description DPX header keycode end.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description DPX header frame rate.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The resolution of the DPX header origin (full or half).
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A
Description The number of frames stored on one foot of film.
Parameters N/A
Parents EData
Children N/A