Keyer RGBCMYL Menu Settings

General Settings

Image Type box
Select the type of image data that is input into the node or tool. This determines the type of transformation applied to the input clip.
Regen button
Enable to get dynamic updating of the image as you make changes.

Picking Controls Settings

Key Colour colour pot
Activates the pick cursor. Use to sample an area of the image to display the average colour value.
Tolerance button
Activates the pick cursor. Use to select the maximum and minimum values for the tolerance range in the image window.
Master Tolerance field
Displays the value added to the existing tolerance of each channel. Resets to 0 after each use.
Increases tolerance values.
Decreases tolerance values.
Softness button
Activates the pick cursor. Use to select the maximum and minimum values for the softness range in the image window.
Master Softness field
Displays the value added to the existing softness of each channel. Resets to 0 after each use.
Increases softness values.
Decreases softness values.

Colour Control Settings

Red Channel button
Enable to extract red channel values for the key.
Minimum Softness field
Displays the minimum red channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Minimum Tolerance field
Displays the minimum red channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Tolerance field
Displays the maximum red channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Softness field
Displays the maximum red channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Green Channel button
Enable to extract green channel values for the key.
Minimum Softness field
Displays the minimum green channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Minimum Tolerance field
Displays the minimum green channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Tolerance field
Displays the maximum green channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Softness field
Displays the maximum green channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Blue Channel button
Enable to extract blue channel values for the key.
Minimum Softness field
Displays the minimum blue channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Minimum Tolerance field
Displays the minimum blue channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Tolerance field
Displays the maximum blue channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Softness field
Displays the maximum blue channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Cyan Channel button
Enable to extract cyan channel values for the key.
Minimum Softness field
Displays the minimum cyan channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Minimum Tolerance field
Displays the minimum cyan channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Tolerance field
Displays the maximum cyan channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Softness field
Displays the maximum cyan channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Magenta Channel button
Enable to extract magenta channel values for the key.
Minimum Softness field
Displays the minimum magenta channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Minimum Tolerance field
Displays the minimum magenta channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Tolerance field
Displays the maximum magenta channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Softness field
Displays the maximum magenta channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Yellow Channel button
Enable to extract yellow channel values for the key.
Minimum Softness field
Displays the minimum yellow channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Minimum Tolerance field
Displays the minimum yellow channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Tolerance field
Displays the maximum yellow channel value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Softness field
Displays the maximum yellow channel value of the softness range. Editable.
Luminance button
Enable to extract luminance values for the key.
Minimum Softness field
Displays the minimum luminance value of the softness range. Editable.
Minimum Tolerance field
Displays the minimum luminance value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Tolerance field
Displays the maximum luminance value of the tolerance range. Editable.
Maximum Softness field
Displays the maximum luminance value of the softness range. Editable.
Plot button
Activates the pick cursor. Use to sample an area of the image to display its colour value.
Frame option box
Select whether to frame the histogram based on minimum and maximum slider values, the full range of histogram values, the plot and reference colours, or the [0:1] vertical and horizontal range (Home).