Saving and Loading Batch or Batch FX Setups

Batch or Batch FX setups can be saved and loaded. When saving a setup, there is the option of saving the complete Batch or Batch FX setup, or only the selected items in the schematic. Use the drop-down list beside the Save button to make a selection before clicking Save.

When loading a Batch setup, there is a choice of loading (replacing any existing nodes), or load and append.

Note: A preference exists (in the TL FX / Batch / Batch FX tab) to also save a setup file when saving a Batch iteration. This preference is enabled by default.
In Batch or Batch FX, specific node setups can be saved and loaded. The node load and save buttons appear next to the node name field when a node is selected in the schematic.

Batch or Batch FX setups can be renamed directly above the Load and Save buttons.