Broadcast Monitor Preferences

Broadcast Monitor Preferences

Broadcast Monitor box
Select the output device used by the broadcast monitor, or turn it off.
Broadcast Selection box
Select what you want to preview on your broadcast monitor (can be changed on-the-fly).
Always Send Grab Area button
Enable to display Player or viewport output, including times when neither is in use. Active when the Screen Grab option is selected.
Scale Clip to Fit Monitor button
Enable to resize the clip to fit the broadcast monitor. Active when the Show Selected Item option is selected.
Use Ratio button
Enable to maintain the original proportions of the clip. Disable to use the monitor ratio. Active when the Show Selected Item option is selected.
Show Clip On Selection button
Enable to display in the broadcast monitor the selected thumbnail.

Broadcast Multiview Preferences

Viewport Monitoring button
Enable to send to the broadcast monitor the content of the viewport displaying the "Monitor" symbol. Disable to use the broadcast monitor as an additional viewport; then use the Broadcast Monitor toolbar to control the broadcast monitor as you would any other viewport.
Hide Broadcast Toolbar button
Enable to hide the Broadcast Monitor toolbar. By default, the toolbar is displayed in the top-right corner of the graphics monitor. Spacebar+Click to move the Broadcast Monitor toolbar.

Image Data Type Preferences

Image Data Type box
Select the type of image data you are displaying in the broadcast monitor. Your selection determines the type of transformation that is applied to the clip to modify the contrast. It is disabled if the Follow button is enabled.
Bypass button
Enable to deactivate the image data type display settings in the broadcast monitor.

Broadcast LUT Preferences

Use 3D LUT in Monitor button
Enable to apply a 3D LUT from the 3D LUT list to the broadcast monitor.
3D LUT List box
Displays the list of 3D LUTs that you imported in the LUT tab.

Broadcast Overlay Preferences

Broadcast Overlay box
Select the overlays displayed on the broadcast monitor. "Off" for no letterbox or reference overlay, "Letterbox" for aspect ratio and letterbox guides, "All" for letterbox and all reference overlay elements.

Broadcast Stereo

Broadcast Stereo box
Displays the currently-selected stereoscopic display option. The options are Dual Output, Interlaced, and Anaglyph.
Interlaced Option box
When Interlaced is selected displays the options: Left Eye on Field 1 and Left Eye on Field 2.
Anaglyph Option box
When Anaglyph is selected displays the options: Diff Clamped, Diff, Blend, Dubois, and Mono.

Broadcast Colour Space

Broadcast Colour Space box
Defines the broadcast colour space.
Colour Space Option box
Sets the broadcast colour space options: Normal or With Headroom.

Broadcast Timing

Broadcast Timing box
Displays the timing rate options for the broadcast monitor.
Lock Timing button
Locks the timing rate.
Tip: For a list of supported broadcast monitor timings on Flame Premium, see Broadcast Monitor Supported Timings on Linux Workstations.