If Input is selected in the View box, this box toggles between Front1 and Front2. If Matte is selected in the View box, this box toggles between Matte1 and Matte2. If Result is selected in the View box, this box toggles between showing the splines for Front1 and Front2 drawn on top of the result.
You independently set an interpolation value for each set of linked Front1 and Front2 source splines.
You can add, edit, animate, and delete correspondence points. The more correspondence points a spline has, the greater effect it has on the overall warp.
Increasing the value decreases the number of vertices, while decreasing the value increases the number of vertices. Only segments of the spline drawn using freehand mode are affected, while segments created by simple clicks remain unaffected. The Lasso Fit parameter loses its influence over freehand segments of a spline if you edit vertices.
Set this to Lnk Src & Dst to keep the source and destination splines linked as you draw and animate the source spline. Set this to Enable Warping to control the destination spline independently to create a warp. You can also independently link and unlink the axis nodes that are the parents of a source spline and its corresponding destination spline.
This is useful when you have animated a spline on one input and wish to apply it to the other.
If Z-mode is disabled, the maximum distance of the distortion is limited to avoid overlapping. When there is a large distance between a source and destination spline, you will achieve better results by increasing the number of iterations. For smaller warps or morphs, there is no advantage in using a greater number of iterations—it will increase processing time unnecessarily.
The greater the value, the larger the portion of the image affected. A value of 100% affects the entire image, a value of 33% affects one-third of the image, for example.
For example, you can set a higher weight on a spline in an area of the image that you do not want to move.