You can import stabilizing data to lock the position of an axis in relation to a reference point on attached media. This means that any movement in the media is matched by the axis.
To stabilize a clip from Action Axis:
- From the Action Axis menu's Tracking tab, select the media to be stabilized from the Use Media field (to stabilize the Back media, select 0).
- In the Axis menu for the selected media, make sure that the motion path is disabled (Path button).
Note: Do not move the axis from its default position at the centre of the image window before entering the Stabilizer, or else the tracking data will be overwritten. Use the offset axis to add an offset to the tracker movement instead.
- Enable Rotation, Scale or both, as needed.
- In the Tracking Mode box, select Stabilize and click the Enter Tracker button.
The media is automatically loaded into the Stabilizer and the Stabilizer menu appears.
- In the Stabilizer menu, enable Context to use the Action scene as the reference.
- In the Stabilizer, position Tracker1 over the reference point that you want to track.
- If you enable Rotation or Scale (or both), position Tracker 2 over a point that represents the rotation or change in size of the pattern.
- Click Analyze to generate the translation data.
- Once the analysis is complete, click Return.
When you exit the Stabilizer, the X and Y Shift values for the reference position are automatically copied into the X and Y translation channels for the selected axis in Action.
Tip: After stabilizing, you can set a reference frame that has no transformations by enabling the Adjust Offset button (in the Axis tab) at the selected frame.