A UV map is a pass which records the way the pixels of an image should be displaced within the image plane, so that the warped texture looks like the textured geometry from the point of view of the CG camera. The UV map acts as a 2D distortion field, or a pixel look up table, recording where every pixel of an input image texture should be, had it been applied on a geometry filmed by the CG camera. It is a very effective way of faking 3D mappings, without having a single polygon. It is most effective when combined with a Normal map, which can be used to simulate the shading of the actual geometry even though everything is perfectly flat.
Applying a UV map to surface or geometry, warps its texture according to the defined UV. The U information is coded in the Red channel, while the V information is coded in the Green channel of the UV map image. For each pixel of the UV map, the red or green value corresponds to a given pixel on the unwrapped texture, and it is this pixel that gets displaced at the position of the same pixel in the attached surface or geometry.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when working with UV maps:
- To avoid pixelation in your imported UV passes, make sure that the UV pass is rendered as a 16-bit floating point image from your 3D application.
- It is a good idea to render UV passes without anti-aliasing to avoid warping on the edges of objects that the UV map is applied to. Since you can also output a UV Map from Flame Premium, make sure that anti-aliasing is not selected in the Render Options section of the Output menu.
- You can embed object IDs in the Blue channel when performing a UV render pass in Maya, allowing you to specify which objects are displaced within the UV map in Action. In Maya, when performing a UV Render Pass, enable Embed Object ID in Blue Channel. When disabled, blue channel information is ignored.
- For best results, in the Texture settings of the UV Map menu in Flame Premium, the Fit Method box should be set to Fill, and the Filter box to Nearest.
- If you accessed Action as a Timeline FX, you are limited to one front/matte media, and therefore may not get the desired result. In this case, you can access Action from Batch or Batch FX, or from the Tools tab.
Flat texture
UV Map
Texture with UV Map applied