Bump Settings
- Minimum Bumps field
- Displays the lower limit of the bump depth. Editable.
- Maximum Bumps field
- Displays the upper limit of the bump depth. Editable.
- Bump Height field
- Displays the height value for the effect. Positive numbers create an embossed look. Negative numbers create an engraved look. Editable.
- Bump Softness field
- Displays a blurring value for the effect. Editable.
Light Settings
- Light X Position field
- Displays the horizontal position of the light. Editable. You can also use the light icon in the image window to change the position of the light.
- Light Y Position field
- Displays vertical position of the light. Editable. You can also use the light icon in the image window to change the position of the light.
- Light Y Position field
- Displays the depth of the light. Editable. You can also use the light icon in the image window to change the position of the light.
Tip: You can also use the light icon in the image window to gesturally position the light.
- Light Scale field
- Displays a value that you can modify to see the results of moving your light when using extreme X, Y or Z values. Editable.
- Shaded field
- Displays the level of intensity for the image. Editable.
- Ambient field
- Displays the percentage of overall lighting for the image. Editable.
- Threshold field
- Displays the percentage of bumps filtered out by using light exposure. Editable.
- Red Light field
- Displays the red value of the light. Editable.
- Green Light field
- Displays the green value of the light. Editable.
- Blue Light field
- Displays the blue value of the light. Editable.
- Light Colour Pot
- Displays the colour of the light. Click to open the Colour Picker and specify a value.
Texture Settings
- Diffuse Gain field
- Displays a value for the contrast in the image. Use to increase or decrease the intensity of highlights and shadows in surface features. Editable.
- Shininess field
- Displays a value for the amount of shine in the image. Editable.
- Specular field
- Displays a value for the reflectiveness of the image. Editable.
RGB Distortion Settings
- Red Distortion field
- Displays the amount of distortion in the red channel. Editable.
- Green Distortion field
- Displays the amount of distortion in the green channel. Editable.
- Blue Distortion field
- Displays the amount of distortion in the blue channel. Editable.
Repeat Mode Settings
- Repeat Mode Settings
- Select an option to fill the empty portions of the frame.
Anti-Aliasing Settings
- Anti-aliasing button
- Enable to activate sampling and softness.
- Sampling box
- Select the number of samples to use in the anit-aliasing process.
- Softness field
- Displays the level of softness of the samples. Editable.