Searching for Nodes in the Schematic

Since schematics can get large very quickly, you can search and highlight nodes of the same type in the schematic, and easily move to a particular node.

To search for a node type in the schematic:

  1. In the Node bin or schematic, hover over the node type that you want to search for, and press Win+F (this is mapped to Find Node(s) in Batch / MK Schematic in the keyboard shortcut editor).
    All nodes of the selected type are highlighted in the schematic.
    Tip: Enable the Display Navigator from the View menu to help you see the complete schematic. This also displays all of the highlighted search results.
  2. Press Tab to cycle forward through the selected nodes, or Shift+Tab to cycle backwards. You can also explicitly select a node in the schematic and use Tab and Shift+Tab to cycle through all nodes of the same type.

    You can also switch to Result view (F4), and use the Tab and Shift+Tab shortcuts to cycle through the search results.