Since schematics can get large very quickly, you can search and highlight nodes of the same type in the schematic, and easily move to a particular node.
To search for a node type in the schematic:
- In the Node bin or schematic, hover over the node type that you want to search for, and press Win+F (this is mapped to Find Node(s) in Batch / MK Schematic in the keyboard shortcut editor).
All nodes of the selected type are highlighted in the schematic.
Tip: Enable the Display Navigator from the View menu to help you see the complete schematic. This also displays all of the highlighted search results.
- Press Tab to cycle forward through the selected nodes, or Shift+Tab to cycle backwards. You can also explicitly select a node in the schematic and use Tab and Shift+Tab to cycle through all nodes of the same type.
You can also switch to Result view (F4), and use the Tab and Shift+Tab shortcuts to cycle through the search results.