Before you can apply colour management to displayed images, you must add the LUTs and colour transforms that you want to use to your preferences. This makes them available for use in image windows.
By default in new projects, the following display transforms are preset:
- Alt+Shift+1: transforms/tone-map/PhotoMap_LC.ctf
- Alt+Shift+2: gamma/apply_sRGB_encoding.ctf
- Alt+Shift+3: gamma/apply_2.40_gamma.ctf
Consider using PhotoMap_LC instead of the default Linear viewing option for viewing linear content. It is a tone-mapping transform with S-shaped curves for a photographic response.
Making 1D LUTs Available for Display
- Go to
- On the 1D LUT tab at the right, click in a slot.
- Do one of the following:
- Select Gamma in the LUT Type box, and set a value.
- Select LUT File in the LUT Type box, then click Import and select a 1D LUT file.
Making 3D LUTs and Colour Transforms Available for Display
- Go to
- On the 3D LUT tab at the right, click in a slot.
- Click Import and select a native 3D LUT (.3dl) or Colour Transform (.ctf) file. You can also select files in several other supported LUT and transform formats.