Mimicking, Copying, and Duplicating Nodes

When working in the Batch or Batch FX schematic, you have a few options to help you quickly get settings, or even complete nodes, to and from similar nodes. See the procedures below for information on how to access each of these options, but as a quick summary, here are the reasons for using each option:

Using Mimic Link

To create a Mimic link between nodes connected to mono clips:

  1. From the Tools box, select Mimic Link.
  2. In the schematic, drag between nodes of the same type.

    A green-arrowed dotted line indicates that the nodes are linked as duplicates. The direction of the arrow indicates which node is the master.

    (a) Duplicate link (b) Master node (b) Duplicate link (d) Duplicated nodes

  3. Connect each node to a mono clip.
  4. Change the settings of any node.

To work with Mimic link using a stereo group node:

  1. With Stereo Mode selected, drag a node from the node bin to the schematic.

    A stereo group node containing left eye and right eye inputs appears in the schematic.

    (a) Left eye input (b) Right eye input 

  2. Connect the left and right eye inputs of the stereo group node to the clip node’s left and right eye outputs, as shown in the following example.

    (a) Clip containing stereo track (b) Left eye output tab (c) Left eye input tab  (d) Right eye input tab (e) Right eye output tab 

  3. Double-click the stereo group node or click Edit in the Group List menu.

    The schematic is dimmed except for the two nodes of the same type as the one you dragged from the node bin. A green-arrowed dotted line indicates that the nodes are linked as mimics.

    (a) Master node (b) Mimic link (c) Mimicked node

  4. Change the settings of either node.

    Notice that the changes made to one node are mimicked on the other node so that both the left and right eye clips are affected simultaneously.

    (a) Flip node connected to left eye is edited (b) Settings are automatically mimicked on Flip node connected to right eye

  5. Click Exit Group.

Duplicating Nodes

To duplicate nodes:

  1. In the schematic, select a node, or group of nodes.
  2. Click Duplicate, or right-click the selection, and choose Duplicate.

    A duplicate of the node or nodes (with all node settings) appears in the schematic.

Copying Nodes

To copy nodes:

  1. In the schematic, select a node, or group of nodes.
  2. Right-click the selection, and choose Copy.

    A copy of the node or nodes (with all node settings) is added to the clipboard.

  3. Navigate to the location in the schematic (or another Batch or Batch FX schematic) where you want the copied node or nodes to reside, right-click and choose Paste.

    A copy of the node or nodes (with all node settings) appears in the schematic.