The flag system is accessible from almost any menu and allows you to enable and disable flags, create and delete flags, and copy flag states to one or more shots.
Note: When in the timeline or the colourist's timeline, the flag system is always displayed to the right of the timeline canvas.
System flags are available by default for all shots.
- Render
- Flags the shots to be rendered.
- ShotReactor
- Flags the shots to be rendered using ShotReactor.
- Changed
- Indicates whether or not the current shot has been modified since the last save.
- Locked
- Locks the current shot to prevent modifications. The shot's locked status is also indicated by the word Locked that spans the three printer light fields.
- Shot Priority
- Assigns priority to the current shot in the timeline. See
- Notes
- Denotes whether notes exist against the current shot. Unlike the other system flags, the Notes flag cannot be turned on or off. Instead, its state is automatically updated depending on the contents of the Notes window. The Notes flag is set only when content is added to the Notes window. See
Assigning Notes to Shots.
- Indicates whether or not CDL data is applied to the current shot.
- When importing CDL or SDL data from an EDL, a flag is displayed on the shots to which CDL or SDL data was imported.
- CDL data import displays a purple triangular flag.
- SDL data import displays a green triangular flag.
- For revision purposes, you can rename these flags to whatever you wish and, when new CDL or SDL data is imported from EDL, the flag returns to its default name, enabling you to track changes over time.
- You can now invert the selection of flagged shots, from the Flag List. Holding ALT while clicking on the Select button, inverts the current selection.
- When moving a Flag or a Group in the Flag List, the Flag List is now updated and displays the actual position of the moved item.
- The S3D EDL Export option is now named SDL.
- CDL and SDL ordering is now streamlined between the Cut and the Assemble menus.
To access the Flags window:
- Enable the Flags button.
This displays the flags for the current shot.
To enable or disable a flag:
- Right-click the flag row.
When the flag is enabled, the flag name is in colour and its circle is filled.
Tip: To select a flag without enabling or disabling it, left-click the flag row.
- You can use the
[ keyboard shortcut to disable the Render flag functionality. The same keyboard shortcut can be used to disable a single flag, when selected. This key remains available even if the Flag list is not enabled.
- You can use the
] keyboard shortcut to enable the Render flag functionality. The same keyboard shortcut can be used to enable a single flag, when selected. This key remains available even if the Flag list is not enabled.