The settings in the IBL menu are as follows.
Controls Settings
- Intensity field
- Displays the overall brightness of the IBL map. Editable.
- Softness X field
- Displays the amount of X-axis blur applied to the IBL map (not available when Cubic is chosen as the mapping type). Editable.
- Softness Y field
- Displays the amount of Y-axis blur applied to the IBL map (not available when Cubic is chosen as the mapping type). Editable.
- Diffuse Offset field
- Displays the offset based on an attached diffuse map or the existing diffuse light in the image. Editable.
- Shade field
- Displays the amount of lighting used. Editable.
Background Settings
- Background Intensity field
- Displays the overall brightness of the IBL map when used as a background. Editable.
- Background Softness X field
- Displays the amount of X-axis blur applied to the IBL map when used as a background (not available when Cubic is chosen as the mapping type). Editable.
- Background Softness Y field
- Displays the amount of Y-axis blur applied to the IBL map when used as a background (not available when Cubic is chosen as the mapping type). Editable.
- Background Diffuse Offset field
- Displays the offset based on an attached diffuse map or the existing diffuse light in the image when used as a background. Editable.
- FOV Offset field
- Displays the field of view offset applied to an IBL map that is used as a background. Use to simulate a zoom in or out of the background. Editable.
Rotation Settings
- Rotation X field
- Displays the level of rotation of the IBL map along the X axis. Editable.
- Rotation Y field
- Displays the level of rotation of the IBL map along the Y axis. Editable.
- Rotation Z field
- Displays the level of rotation of the IBL map along the Z axis. Editable.
Normal Jitter Settings
- Jitter field
- Displays the sampling area used to calculate the normal information for ambient lighting effects. Available when Ambient is selected as the IBL type. Editable.
Crop And Resize Settings
- Fit Method box
- Select a fit method option to be applied to the IBL map.
- Keep Aspect button
- Enable to preserve the aspect ratio of non-square pixels (not available for the Fill fit method).
- Use Cropped Size button
- Enable to replace the IBL map with the cropped size of the IBL media. Disable to use the cropped IBL media as is.
Filtering Settings
- Filter box
- Select the type of filtering to apply to the IBL map.