* SDL_FWL: (126,0)
Explanation: The Floating Window Left value is set to 126 at frame 0.
* SDL_FWR: (119,0)
Explanation: The Floating Window Right value is set to 119 at frame 0.
* SDL_HIT: (7,0)
Explanation: The Convergence value is set to 7 at frame 0.
* SDL_FWL: (126,0) (146,19)
Explanation: The Floating Window Left value is set to 126 at keyframe 0 and to 146 at keyframe 19.
* SDL_FWR: (119,0) (162,19)
Explanation: The Floating Window Right value is set to 119 at keyframe 0 and to 162 at keyframe 19.
* SDL_HIT: (7,0) (31,13) (0,21) (35,29)
Explanation: The Convergence value is set to 7 at frame 0, to 31 at keyframe 13, to 0 at keyframe 21, and to 35 at keyframe 29.
S3D data can be exported to EDL, by enabling the Use SDL button, in the Editing / Browse menu.