Archiving from the Command Line

You can archive and restore material from the command line, using flame_archive, found in/usr/discreet/io/bin.

Note: In flame_archive, Wiretap paths are entered without a trailing "/".

A possible workflow you might try is to archive a project daily, and then restore a specific clip, as required.

Archive the project:

  1. cd /usr/discreet/io/bin
  2. Create and format the archive daily_archive with the default 1 GB segment. You can use -i to specify a segment capacity, in GB, where 1 GB = 1024 MB.

    ./flame_archive -f -F /usr/tmp/daily_archive

  3. List the project hosted on the workstation. This is useful to validate the name of the project to archive.

    ./flame_archive -l

  4. Append the ProjectOne project to daily_archive.

    ./flame_archive -a -P ProjectOne -F /usr/tmp/daily_archive

    Once the process completes, you have archived the whole project in the daily_archive.

Restore a single clip from the daily_archive:

  1. cd /usr/discreet/io/bin
  2. List the contents of daily_archive.

    ./flame_archive -l -F /usr/tmp/daily_archive

  3. Using the list from the above command, locate the clip to restore, and build its filepath. This filepath is used in the following command to restore the newNoise clip to the destination described using the Wiretap path.

    ./flame_archive -r -F /usr/tmp/daily_archive -S '/daily_archive/Archive Session - 2014/12/01 14:54:24/projectOne/Workspace (projectOne)/Libraries/Default Library/newNoise' -E /projects/projectOne/988110ac_547cc27f_0005859a/988110ac_547cc27f_0005859c/988110ac_547cc283_000312c0

    Note: Get the Wiretap path using /usr/discreet/wiretap/tools/current/wiretap_print_tree

You an also pass a text file containing the clips to restore to flame_archive. That text file lists one clip to restore on each line.

The above approach is fine for a manual restore, but for a programmatic approach, try using: ./flame_archive -l -x, where -x outputs the archive contents in XML.

Some additional notes:

About flame_archive Switches

USAGE: flame_archive <operation> <modifiers> <options>

flame_archive -h | --help
flame_archive -a [-N] [-k] [-p] [-y] [-g] -E <WIRETAP_PATH_SOURCE> -F <PATH_TO_FILE>
flame_archive -e [-E <WIRETAP_PATH_SOURCE>] [-F <PATH_TO_FILE] [-m All|MetaData|Video|Audio]
flame_archive -f -F <PATH_TO_FILE> [-n <NAME>] [-t <COMMENT>] [-i <SIZE_IN_GB]
flame_archive -l [-F <PATH_TO_FILE> [-x] [-S <PATH_IN_ARCHIVE>]] [-E <WIRETAP_PATH>]


Format archive file
flame_archive -f -F /usr/tmp/archive1
Add Wiretap path to archivearch1
flame_archive -a -E /projects/TestProject/a38310ac_53a82f6b_0006a1c1/a38310ac_53a82f6b_0006a1c3/a38310ac_53a82f77_000079d7/a38310ac_53a82ff6_000d6100 -F /tmp/arch1
Archive project prj1 in archive arch1
flame_archive -a -P pj1 -F /tmp/arch1
Restore project prj1 from archive arch1
flame_archive -r -F /tmp/arch1 -S '/Archive Session - 2014/03/12 23:43:40/prj1'
Lists the contents of the framestore of the local host
flame_archive -l
List the contents of archive arch1 ; output in XML
flame_archive -l -F /usr/tmp/arch1 -x
List the contents of folder MyFolder from project project1
flame_archive -l -P project1 -E /wksp/Libraries/MyLib/MyFolder
Provide a size estimate for the result of archiving project project1
flame_archive -e -P project1

The different flame_archive operation modes:

Optional modifiers to use with the different flame_archive modes: