You can set the tolerance for a range of colours to be fully keyed (transparent) and to remove unwanted greys from the key. You can modify the chrominance and luminance levels for tolerance across the entire image or just in the shadows, midtones, and highlights. The Tolerance Diamond defines the range of colours included in the secondary.
To set the chrominance range for tolerance, you can manipulate the Tolerance Diamond or sample the chrominance and luminance of the image using the Add Tolerance and Remove Tolerance buttons. You can also use the Minimum and Maximum Luminance sliders to set the luminance levels for tolerance.
To set the chrominance range for tolerance by moving and modifying the Tolerance Diamond:
In Secondary view, you can see the effect of the modifications you make to the chrominance range for tolerance while you fine-tune the key.
(a) Tolerance Diamond vertex
The chrominance range for tolerance is modified.
To set the luminance levels and chrominance range for tolerance using the Add/Remove Tolerance buttons:
(a) Add Tolerance and Remove Tolerance buttons
The chrominance range and luminance levels for tolerance are modified.
To set the luminance levels for tolerance using the Minimum and Maximum Luminance sliders:
In Matte view, you can see the effect of the modifications you make to the luminance levels for tolerance while you fine-tune the key.
(a) Minimum Luminance slider for tolerance (b) Luminance gradient (c) Maximum Luminance slider for tolerance
The luminance levels for tolerance are modified.