Selecting Nodes in the Schematic

Use the following keyboard shortcuts to help you select and work with nodes in the Batch and Batch FX schematic.

Note: These following keyboard shortcuts are based on the default User Profile for the application, and may be change if you select a different profile at startup or during a session, in the Project and User Settings window.
To: Do this:
Select a node. Click node.
Select multiple nodes. Press Ctrl, then click and drag a rectangular selection around the nodes.
Deselect everything. Click on an empty space in the schematic, or press Ctrl and click-drag on an empty space in the schematic.
Add or remove nodes from a selection. Press Ctrl and click the nodes you want to add or remove.
Select all the nodes before the current node (ascendants). Press Alt and click the node.
Select all the nodes after the current node (descendants). Press Alt+Spacebar and click the node.
Remove a branch from a selection. Press Ctrl+Alt and click the branch.
Add or remove the branch after a node (descendants) to the selection. Press Ctrl+Alt+spacebar and click the node.
Select the entire tree. Press Alt+Win+Spacebar and click any node in the tree.
Add or remove a tree to or from the selection. Press Ctrl+Alt+Win+Spacebar and click a node in the tree.
Select the entire setup. Press Ctrl+A.
Move only one node in a selection. Press Shift and move the node in the selection.